Paper bags are the best chocie as shopping bags to carry goods as well as promote business brands.The advantgae of paper bags is that paper bags are more versatile than plastic bags and non woven bags,paper bags can fit any end and cover any budget. No matter what good you want to carry and what budget you have,you can find a right paper bags to meet those requirements.
There are many selection to outstand business brand on paper bags to make them impact,such as hot stamping,embossing,uv spot varnish,of couser insdie printing is better chocie too.
As paper bags supplier, we have full range of paper bags,more information please contact with us
Paper Bags
Jin Dian Packaging Ltd
36-1No70 ShuMa Road,Dalian China 116023
Tel:0086 411 39654196
Fax:0086 411 86469821