Paper bags have many styles such as luxury laminated paper bags,unlaminated paper bags,brown paper bags. And now paper shopping bags have become popular, because paper shopping bags are not only beautiful,colorful,versatile,stylish,valuable and functional ,but also recyclable and reusable, paper shopping bags are widely known as green way to carry goods.
Paper shopping bags have huge selections, Changes are based on material,printing,finishes and handles. Those items have many choices too, For example handle options include pp rope, cotton handle,ribbon handle,die cutting handle, tiwsted rope and more. To select right handle matching your paper shopping bags can make your paper shopping bags looking very special and outstanding from your competitor.
In fact you need a good paper bags supplier to help you to select right handle.As paper bags we can provide such service, we have full range of handles for your selection.
We just finished a bag with PVC tube handle.
more information please contact with us